Anm. 1. Auch m. fehlerhaftem Satz in Lage b (z.B. Ex. Allendale UL): “Following unsigned quire a (the calendar) is unsigned quire b. First line of [b1r] in red: ‘Incipit ordo missalis s[ecundu]m’. The first line of [b1v] should read (in black): ‘[-]nitus maris [et] fluctuu[m].aresce[n]ti-’. Our copy’s [b1v] reads instead: ‘[H]Odie scietis quia veniet do[-]’. This is different from the digital copies linked from the GW site, and is actually [b7v]. I’ve since queried other owners of the Missale and so far (of 29 copies) only one copy (at Prague) shows this error. What I think happened is that Stuchs (or his helpers) mistakenly inverted the second side of the first part of quire b when it was printed. If Stuchs had used printed signatures, this error may have been seen and corrected before leaving his shop. Another factor may have been Stuchs’ inexperience, since this is supposedly the first book he printed.” (Mitteilung von Robert Beasecker, Allendale UL, 24.V.2012). Vgl. auch Beasecker, Robert: Forming a Collection of Fifteenth-Century Books in the Twenty-first Century. In: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2016, S. 19–32, hier S. 30–31.
Anm. 2. Sotheby’s (New York) 21.VI.2007 Nr 168 m. Prov. Doheny (Perg.).
HC 11384. Weale-Bohatta 890. Baumann: Stuchs 2. Ce³ M-697. CIH 2303. IBP 3754. IDL 3246. IGI 6612. Pell 8012. CRF V 674. VB 1902. BSB-Ink M-462. CIBN M-456. Pr 2259. BMC II 467.IA 8043. Bohatta: Parma 309. Collijn: Stockholm 731. Juntke: Eisleben 57. 58. Oates 1088. Sack: Freiburg 2473. Sallander: Uppsala 2340. ISTC im00697000.
Allendale UL
(m. Fehldruck, s. Anm.). Baltimore ArtM. Bamberg SB (3 Ex.). Berlin *SB
(def.). Budapest BN (def.). Cambridge UL. Chapel Hill UL. Città del Vaticano BVat
. Edinburgh NL
. Eisleben K
(2 Ex.). Frauenfeld KantB. Freiburg UB
. Friesach Domin (def.). Güssing Franzisk (def.). Haag MMeerman
. Innsbruck Servit
. Jena ULB. Kassel LKArch
(Perg. Fragm. 6 Bl.). Leipzig BuchM
(2 Ex., 2. Ex. Fragm. Bl. 42–43). London BL
(2 Ex., 1. Ex. Perg.). Mainz GutenbergM. Milano Cap. München SB
(3 Ex.), UB
. Nantes MDobree (Perg. def.). New York ButlerL, MorganL, PL. Nürnberg GermanNM, StB
(2 Ex.). Paris BN (3 Ex., 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg. def., 3. Ex. Perg. def.). Philadelphia Sem. Praha NKn (2 Ex., 2. Ex. m. Fehldruck, s. Anm.). Regensburg SB. San Juan CasaLibro. San Marino (Calif.) HuntingtonL. Sankt Paul Benedikt. Spangenberg PfarrArch
(Perg. Fragm. 6 Bl.). Spokane UL. Stockholm KglB. Stuttgart LB
(3 Ex.). Uppsala UB (Perg.). Warszawa BU
. Washington (D.C.) LC. Weimar SArch
(Perg. Fragm. 2 Bl.). Wien NB
(2 Ex., 1. Ex. Lage 15 fehlt, 2. Ex. Perg.). Würzburg UB
(3 Ex., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.). York UL.
Gesamtüberlieferung: 64 Exemplare/Fragmente in öffentlichen Einrichtungen.
Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke • Letzte Änderung: 2016-07-13