4 Bl. [a]. 29 Z. Typ. 2:114G, 5:95G. Rubr. β oder δ. 4 Hlzs. DrM III.
Bl. 1a ⁌ Here beginneth a lytel treatyſe that ſheweth how euery man ⁊ woman ought  to faſte and abſteyne them from fleſſhe  on  wedneſday.  4 Hlzs.  Bl. 1b ⁌ Sequntur hic decem fructus ⁊ vertilitates. Ieiu-nii : et abſtinencie. quibus omnibus ⁊ ſingulis me-rita. ac premia. adquiruntur eterna. prout hic cōſe-quenter exarat quidam meriſta.  … Endet Bl. 4b Z. 5 The whiche he vs graunte / that hanged on  rode  Cryſte that vs bought / with his precyous blode  AMEN  DrM
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Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke • © 1978 Anton Hiersemann, Stuttgart • https://gesamtkatalogderwiegendrucke.de/docs/GW09724.htm • Letzte Änderung: 2011-07-27