00854 Alcock, John: Spousage of a virgin to Christ. Westminster: Wynkyn de Worde, [um 1496]. 
10 Bl. A⁶B. 28 Z. Typ. 3:136G, 5:95G. Rubr. 2 Hlzs. DrM II.
Bl. 1a Hlzs.  Deſponſacio virginis xpriſto.  Spouſage of a virgyn to Cryſte.  Bl. 1b Hlzs.  Bl. 2a ⁌ An exhortacyon made to Relygyouſe ſyſters in  the tyme of theyr conſecracyon by the Reuerende  fader in god Iohan Alcok byſſhop of Ely.  ⁌ I aſke the banes betwix the hyghe and mooſt  myghty prynce kyng of all kynges ſone of almyghty god and the virgyne Mary in humanyte Cryſte  Iheſu of Nazareth of the one partye. … Endet Bl. 9a Z. 17 … ye may receyue this noble crowne  I beſeche almyghty god for his grete mercy Amen.  ⁌ Here endeth an exhortacyon made  to Relygyous ſyſters in the tyme  of theyr conſecracyon by the Reue-rende fader in god Iohan Alcok  byſſhop oſ Ely. ⁌ Enprynted at  Weſtmynſtre by Wynken de worde.  Bl. 9b DrM  Bl. 10 leer?
Reproduktionen: Res.Publ. Unit 49. Cambridge UL (Digitalisat).
HC 623. Duff-Hellinga 19. Oates 4143. ISTC ia00368250.
Bamburgh Castle L (def.). Cambridge UL (def.). Wells Cathedr (Fragm.).
Gesamtüberlieferung: 3 Exemplare/Fragmente in öffentlichen Einrichtungen.
Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendruckehttps://www.gesamtkatalogderwiegendrucke.de/docs/GW00854.htm • Letzte Änderung: 2010-08-10