M26499 Nicolaus de Lyra: Postilla super totam Bibliam. [Basel: Johann Froben und Johann Petri], 1494. 
Anm. Ausg. existiert nicht, vgl. ISTC: “H 10370 records an edition from 1494, of which no copy has been located; in Goff two copies were identified with H 10370, but the one in StBonUL [Saint Bonaventure FriedsamL] is a volume from the 1508 edition, the other is of 1501-02”.
H 10370. Ce³ N-137. ISTC in00137000.
Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendruckehttps://gesamtkatalogderwiegendrucke.de/docs/M26499.htm • Letzte Änderung: 2010-12-28